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Ariana & The Rose – Epic

I discovered Ariana &  The Rose several years ago when I went to see some of Marc Anthony’s band members perform at the Bitter End (Mario Sebastian, Erben Perez, and Cristian Camilo Castro) and ever since I have gone to see them perform  every chance I get when they are in town.

Ariana DiLorezo and her 4 member band I find are magical during their performances. Their style of pop music which to me has a rock/techno feel to it with lyrics that touch the soul is beautiful.  “Epic” is the way they described their music during my brief interview with Ariana & The Rose when I went to see them perform at I Play America in Freehold, NJ on September 1st (see interview below).  Ariana & The Rose are in the middle of their North American tour with  Heffron Drive on the Happy Mistakes Tour, having recently return from touring Europe. They have also been working in the studio putting together their next CD which is scheduled to be release in 2015 of which I can’t wait to get my hands on.

Please note that my videos were taken despite having the security guards remove me from inside the front of the stage (oops no VIP tag) and telling me no flashes….whats a professional fan to do you may be asking; well its simple you follow orders, and kindly ask for forgiveness, and wait a bit, and do it all over again. 😉



ariana and wendyAriana and rose


I am somewhat addicted to Heart Beat, Love Me Hate Me, and In My Bed…don’t ask…just am 😉

Please follow Arianna & The Rose at : http://www.arianaandtherose.com/Facebook: Ariana&TheRose/instagram: @arianaandtherose/Twitter: @arianatherose

Ariana & The Rose thank you all for being so extremely sweet with your fans and for the dedication you all have as musicians. #fanlove


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